Zealous Community
Home base for Zealous Creators
This space is here to help you get the most out of Zealous. Please take a moment to read up on how to use Zealous, join in for a live room, or suggest any new ideas you have for us!
If you need to help, feel free to email gregarious@zealous.app
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Bishal Guha Mallick
Chrystal Huskey
Re. Blocks - add sign-in permissions for admin to enable/disable email requirements to participate - ie. required, optional, not required; for all blocks except subscribe
Gregarious - Zealous
Add user-configurable descriptions for Link Blocks
Evie Totty
Polls for various subjects.
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Ability to add JavaScript to a Text Block so we can integrate 3rd-party tools.
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Be able to add favicon that shows up in the browser tab.
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Be able to update main colors to match brand colors.
Evie Totty
Allow us to remove followers to our space and / or change their subscription settings